1- Don’t give yourself too many tasks in one day. Overcrowding your day will most likely make you feel discouraged and dread doing what you have to do. I never give myself more than 5 tasks in a day. In result, I don’t look at my day as a to-do list. I go through it more calm and gracefully.
2- Turn off all electronics. Hide them on the the opposite side of the house when trying to focus. For me, I’m usually lazy to get up to go fetch my phone, but if it’s next to me, I’ll pick it up without realizing and start scrolling. Turn off all notifications and put it away!
3- Do a little bit of everything each day so it doesn’t seem painful or discouraging. If I had to spend a whole day doing one task, I would actually do anything not to do that task! I love doing an hour a day of different tasks. I know that I only have one hour to do it, which will make me give it my all within that time frame.
4- Schedule tasks/chores into your calendar. Plan them in advance. It’s easy to forget little things you have to do or to procrastinate. When things are scheduled into my calendar, it makes it more official, it makes it a non-negotiable. Then you’ll be happy you did it without pushing it for later.
5- Stay off social media at least one hour after you wake up. I never believed in this one when I would hear others preach about it. I was always like “my phone wakes me up in the morning when I’m half asleep”. The light will definitely wake you, but it’s important to give your body time to gently wake up instead of waking up to a stressful email or message. I’ve woken up to stressful emails and it honestly ruined my day in a second. So give yourself time to wake up. Once you’re awake and you get into your day, you’ll be more ready to face stressful situations without raising your cortisol levels.
6- Avoid multitasking. Your brain takes 15 minutes to truly concentrate from one task to another. Group like-minded tasks (laundry, cleaning, dishes, etc in one group & emails, social media, bills, etc in another group). Focus on one group for a certain amount of time to maximize efficiency. Switching between emails, cooking, washing your floors, doing your hair- will hold you back from giving your 100% focus.
Start slow. You don’t have to jump into all of these at once. They do seem simple but are super effective. Focus on one tip at a time until you grasp the concept and see the benefits! Hope these help as much as they’ve helped me.